How to Get Your Subliminals to Work

16 min readJan 17, 2025


Struggling to Manifest physical changes? No more anymore!

When I was first introduced to subliminals, I was the most vulnerable version of myself. I was desperate, dissapointed of everything in life. One would smell the musty odor of my misery from miles away. I would desperately go against my wall measuring myself in the hope of having gained an extra mm of height — as if measuring everyday would make me taller — , and it wasn’t there. I had finally decided to give up on all my dreams that I saw something that I had never heard of before…

I remember slouching on my couch, going through Quara forums to find out if anyone had ever gotten taller past puberty. I was constatnly dissapointed because everywhere I go, they remind me of how I’m going to be stuck at the same height forever. I was scrolling through the same pages up and down, again and again, as if that would suddenly change the content of what the comments, wrote years ago, were saying. But that night, like a burning candle waiting for someone to kill the fire burning me to the ground, I was looking for ways for the one last time that I saw the dazzling sparkle of a word: “SUBLIMINALS”. Someone in Quara was explaining about subliminals and how you can leverage that to change yourself. If it was the past me hearing those, I would’ve looked at with utter cynicism and ignored it becuase there is simply not enough evidence for that. But that night, I was so hopeless and desperate that I would thirst for anything new. So after reading a bit more about them, I went on Youtube and searched “height subliminals”. I clicked on of them which, to my surprise, had millions of views — how can I be so unaware of such a big thing!

I played the video. 1 minute into it, BOOM! I start to feel tingles on my legs! “Wow, how can this be possible?” I thought in amazement. I continue listening and still think about the tingles. As an obsessive measurer, I go and take the meter to see if anything has changed. I measure and I’m 2mm taller than I was before starting to listen! It was so small of a change (albeit not so much for 4 minuts), and it may have simply been a measurement error, but still it gave me so much hope!

Flash forward a couple of months, I had turned into an addictive listener, trying to listen to any subs whenever I can. and guess what? NO f*cking results. I gave up again. “why are you so stupid?”, “Just another BS”, “The world is unfair”. These have turned into my internal dialouges again. A miserable piece of shit!

Until one day, again, I find some other “height subliminal” on Youtube and try to give it a go. But this time with no intention, no force, no expectaion, and only out of curiosity. I put in my AirPods Pro, play the video, and close my eyes. in the blackness of my world, I imagine myself taller. I can vividly see a taller me, walking around the streets with more confidence. I am TALL. a few minutes later, I open my eyes and back to the 3D reality. But when I open my eyes, I’m calmer. I am satisfied. I don’t care no more. It’s around bedtime, so I go to bed.

When I wake up, I decide to measure myself again. So I take up the meter and go against my wall. BOOM! I’m taller than any other previous marks on the wall. I’m only taller by 2 mms — no measurement error, I was sure. I was so euphoric. Personally, when I don’t sleep enough, I’m so irked the next morning. But that morning was different, I have grown taller!

Flashforward a couple of months, again, and I am taller and continuing to do so. It wasn’t all downhill from that morning though. I still struggled with belief and doubt. But I managed to grow. I managed to flourish. And what I realized about this is that I have to approach it with utter optimism and an open-heart. I should not come at it with frustration, with anger, and deadlines. I have to believe and work hard. You can’t force it. But you can believe. Firmly believe that everything’s possible. You are the one who shares their sucess. If you doubt it sometimes know that there are many things happening that have no rational resaons behind them — or at least we haven’t found about them just yet.

Let’s get to the tips now:

1. Be Emotional about it: Emotions play an important part. Emotions are the results of your thoughts. Imagine you want to change the structure of your nose. You are probably not happy about it. So what happens? In your 3D reality when you look at your nose in the mirror or in your selfies, you are reminded of how it looks and how you don’t like its shape, and what’s the emotional response? sadness, depression, anxiety, and any bad feelings you can imagine. Thoughts are electrical currents that always lead to chemical responses which are emotions. When you think your nose doesn’t look good, you are sending electrical currents that carry nagative informations. These negative electrical charges then turn into nagative chemical responses which are low-energy emotions like frustration, anger, and sadness. These emotions make your body enter a close-state with little to no response to change. But imagine if you had a nose structure that you loved, that everyone complimented. What would happen? Now your thoughts are positive. They are filled with a lot of energy. They are daynamic. Now, These higher-frequncy thoughts lead to more powerful and open-state emotions like optimism, gratitude, love, compassion, and euphoria. These are the emotions of progress and responsiveness. But here’s the problem: You don’t have that desired nose strucutre in the 3D world yet, right? But you have an imagination that is unlimited. So next time you are listening to your precious subliminals, close your eyes, and imagine that you have your desired nose. Do not worry about the results. Just imagine. How would you feel? It feels amazing. “My nose is sculpted so beautifully,” you imagine. You are imagining that moment and that specific shape which is a positive thought. This positive thought leads to high-energy emotions like gratitude (you believe that you already have it), compassion, love toward self, and euphoria. The body doesn’t know that difference between the 3D and the 4D (the thought). So it literally thinks you have your desired nose and secretes all those feel-good hormones. Eventually, immersing yourself in positive energy and positive emotions and tricking the body into believing you have your desires already, the 3D (body) should catch up. It has no other way. The body is adaptive. It adapts to new environemnts, new thoughts and emotions. You have created the results of a desire before achieving it in 3D (those good feelings). And we live in a causal world. “A” leads to “B”. And you have created the “B” already. But “A” is lacking. And since we live in such a world, the body has to create the 3D reason to the 3D“B” you have created, so we are able to live in a state of homeostasis.

If you need height subliminals specific to your needs with individualized affirmations, you can message gzboy2002_91966 on Discord (I only specialize in height subs, so please message only if you need height subliminals)

2. Start smaller to increase your chances: All of us hold limiting beliefs. But the extent to which they go is variable. Let’s say you want to become a world-wide filmmaker. You have no prior experience, and all you have is just the passion for movies. With no prior experience and no accolades, I guess aiming that high would seem out of reach. You don’t have the confidence and experience. You will feel doubtful everyday. That doubt will stop you of doing anything because it seems so impossible. You have limiting belief that should be broken down to pieces. So what you should do is build up to the desire . What you should do is steady and slowly go through the process. You start to give it a try with shooting a simple vidoe of yourself. You can make a 5-minute short film with your iphone and your limited equipment. Then you show what you have passionately made to your family and they like it. You get a boost in confidene. You are happier and more certain of you abilities. So now you have the courage to show it to your friends, and guess what? they love it. So with this huge boost in confidence, you get the courage to aim higher. You buy more equipiment, recruit your friends, and shoot other movies. You may send them to small film festivals. And one day, one of them wins in the festival and gets recognition. Imagine the dopamine and seretonin boost after hearing the news! The only thing you can think of at that point is aim higher. You have a couple of mental barriers. You know you are capable. You will make bigger movies. All the positive reinforcements and emotional states you experience will make you more creative, determined, optimistc, responsive, and most importantly, more aligned with the quantum field. Now becoming a world-class filmmaker is so much closer to what it used to be. “I may actually have something in me. Let’s get bigger,” you believe. Because remember, feeling is everything. with this experience, you truely come to believe and feel. It’s no pretense. It’s real belief. When you have true belief, You force the quantum to shape itself like you want it to be. You are the one making your environemnt. So when trying to get results with subliminals and manifestion, start smaller — if you are ever doubtful. start with the things that you don’t care about as much. Things that seem more possible. As a guide, what physical change do you think you can benefit from and think to yourself, “Hah, I bet that’s pretty easy to change, I don’t even care that much if it didn’t change”. You don’t have a big desire for that change, but you would’ve been happy if it did. Because the bigger the desire and the more obesessed you are with it, the more likely you have created resistance. You may have tried to change it for many many months or even years and it didn’t change. You have built up so much resistence. You have formed very strong limiting beliefs about it. Because right off the bat, you started with something that you thought is very hard to change (in the qunatum world, it is not), so you didn’t have the initial TRUE belief. Before, you hadn’t had any previous results with other things, so you didn’t have the certainty and confidence to change the thing you have desired all your life. So start with smaller desires which you don’t obsess over as much and you hold small to no limiting beliefs about. Let’s talk about myself as an example. My biggest desire was to change my height. But I had held many STRONG limiting beliefs about it. I was miserable when it came to height growth. I’ve tried for many years with little to no resutls. But it finally is happening. One contributing reason is that I started manifesting other things and they worked so well, so then I trusted more in my abilities and formed stronger opinions. For me back pain, anti-anxiety, and nose subliminals work really fast. THEY ACTUALLY WORK. after listening to back-pain and anti-anxiety subs, I get instantaneous results. When listening to nose subliminals, I immediately feel tingles and can feel that my nose structure is changing. And do you know why they work? I go at them with utter curiosity and wonder. I don’t know how, but in my heart, I believe they do something. You should also find a couple of your I-know-it-works. They help you to get mor aligned. The more aligned you are, the closer you get to achieving your long-held desires. Then, they are no long-held resistant desires anymore. They are as simple as relieving my backpain in a matter of seconds! So start with smaller desires, then the impossible becomes your reality.

3. Manifest indirectly: Let’s say it’s really hard for you to break your limiting beliefs about something, especially when it comes to physical change. As we’ve grown up we’ve been told that appearance is mostly unchangable. You are just who you are. We’ve been indoctrinated by our parents and doctors whose knowledge is based on old facts (not facts anymore) that possibility is of the fantasy world. Constant exposure to miserable gloomy concepts have led us to consolidate walls around us unwantely, making us stuck where we are. Hopefully, new science is different. facts have changed and are continuing to do so. More and more scientists have come to believe the majesty of the body and the power of the mind. Yet, being raised with mental barriers, sometimes it’s harder to do believe. It may take years to break the code. So what you can do is manifest something else that can affect what you want in the first place. Again, let’s say you want the structure of your nose to change, but accepting that it can only be achieved by listening to subliminals is hard for you. What you can do instead is manifest money, so you can do a sucsessful rhinoplasty. Or if you have the money, you can manifest your rhino results to be exceptional and satisfactory to you. Or maybe you did your rhino, you can listen to subs that will make your nose heal faster with no side effects and in a certain way. The important thing is to get the results. The means can be different. Or you can simply come to love your current nose. That’s actually a pretty good idea. Acceptence is great. And usually experience shows that when you accept, things can change even more dramatically!

4. Information makes a change: I think you have heard the term CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy. In the cognitive part, what this method is trying to change is the mindset. It focuses on the connection between thoughts, feelings, and actions. A therapist or a self-help book implementing this technique is trying to change your mindset by removing your mind’s fallacies and false beliefs, explaining why they are wrong, and replacing them with true and positive beliefes. CBT at its initial part, is going to elaborate on the mental processes behind thoughts and why some of them are wrong or right. Based on this approach, just being educated of your mental processes, the mechanism behind them, you can heal. Just changing the course of your thinking literally can change your biology and how you behave and react to the environment. So now, when it comes to manifestaion and subliminal messaging, educate yourself along the way. Read books. Read Dr. Joe Dispenza (a recent life-changing figure in my life — He is a neuroscientist who investigates the mind, the quantum field, and the realtionship between the two. The good thing about his books is that he uses his scientific background and combines evidence-based neuroscience with his theories of the quantum field). Learn why we manifest and how it can work. Learn the techniques. Investigate how subliminals can influenc the mind. Read up on the power of the mind, mind-body connection, and the placebo effect. Information can literally change how your body reacts to stimuli. It can change the position of your electrons thus change your quantum structure. Information makes you more suggestive. And when you are educated, you will know for a fact that things can work, and that, itself, leads to stronger beliefs. Stronger beliefs mean more consisteny, more open-state emotions, more optimism, and thus REAL RESULTS.

5. Add a physical placebo: Have you ever heard of sugar pills? Pills containig only sugar which doctors, back in the day, presicribed to patients. The patients would take the pill and they would recover, talking about the efficacy of the specific pill unaware of the fact they only took some sugar! Yes, they work for a myriad of conditions. It’s called placebo. One of the majesties of the mind. A multi-functional drug that your brain creates with no costs involved. You can create placebo with anything. Let’s say you have acne. You choose a gum or whatever and think that specific thing is a pill that can treat your condition. You take it for a while, and then you realize that most of your acne has gone away! The efficacy of the placebo can depend on a few things. How much you believe in it or if you are aware you are taking a placebo or not. Research has shown even if people are aware of the fact that they are getting sham treatment, the placebo drug can still have an effect! So you may know you are just taking some sugar pill but it still can work. But the degree of effectiveness can vary depending on your awareness or how much you believe something can work. But still, it works. So for using subliminals for physical change, choosing an external factor that you think can make an impact is of utmost importance. Let’s get back to our nose example. Imagine you choose an specific massage to change your nose structure. And you believe that by listening to subliminals and your affirmations, you guide this massage to create those specific changes in your nose. This way you are adding to your stimulation. It’s not only in the mind, it’s external too. Your sensory stimulaion is richer. By subliminal massaging, the unconscious mind thinks that something should change, and it’s also confronted with an external stimuli which makes the singnals stronger. Sometimes those external factors you choose can be inherently effective for your results. For examples a massage or a specific device may really help to change something. Imagine that you listen to hair growth subliminals, but you also apply a rosemary solution to your scalp too. That rosemary solution factually can help with hair growth, and with subliminal messaging and affirmations you can double down its effects. “Applying this rosemary solution can help me to grow an exponential amount of hair,” you affirm. So in summary, you want to choose your external stimuli of choice (whether it’s a placebo thing or a something with inherent effects) and combine it with your mental signaling. You guide the external factor to change you the way you want it. So Believe, affirm, listen to your hidden messages, and use your placebo. THE RESULTS ARE ALREADY THERE!

6. Super-attention: As opposed to common beliefs that any exposure to action or new ideas can make the brain change immediately, neuroscience research shows change in the brain structure only happens when you are attending to a task repeatedly. The key to change is attention. Through attention, you create new synpases and prune the older ones. So the brain changes, and the body can change with that too. By attending to your affirmations very carefully — or if you haven’t come to fully believe in your verbal affirmations, the noise of your affiramtions from your subliminals (which your subconsious can hear as words) — by time, you can change your brain structure and make it to believe your affirmations, therefore, increase suggestability of the mind and achieving the desired results. As the research shows, one way to be more alert and have more attention is to work on the visual focus. Neuroscience has proven that there is a a close relationship between visusal focus and cognitive focus. When you are in a relaxed state, your vision is broad-wide and no specific point in the visual field is in focus. But when you pick a point in space and narrow your vision, you can see the targeted point with the highest resolution while everything around is out of focus (like a camera). That leads to more attention on the target, the more attention means more incoming information. Now, because of the close relationship between visual acuity and cognitive focus, one proposed way to be more attentive when reading or doing something which needs attentoin is to practice visual focus in the proximity of the distance of the intended space in which the act of attending occurs. Let’s say you want to study on your laptop screen and it’s in a 60 cm (24 inch) distance from your eyes. You want to gain super-attention (attention is waht leading to learning and neuroplasticity). What you can do is focus on something in the same exact distance or your laptop screen turnd off for a a few minutes with your eyes, and then continue reading. That’ll prepare your brain to recieve the info in that distance. Now what does this have to do with listening to your subs? You are not even looking at them! You are listening. And that’s the point. When listening to something, we don’t need to look at our environment. We just need to use our ears. The vision is useless there. So What should we do? We should close our eyes. When we close our eyes we shut down a source of sensory input (vision) and more energy is available and we are more mindful of our hearing. And it’s a natural thing to do. I’m sure there were times you wanted to listen to somthing, like a lecture, and automatically, you have closed your eyes to focus more on the sound. And several studies have also proved that closing the eyes while listening can improve attention. And as mentioned earlier, When you have more focus and you are more attentive, you recieve more info. Info can make the body change. When you are super-focused, you can change the structure of your brain. So when you close your eyes to listen to your subliminals with more attention, you are going to internalize the hidden affirmations so much better. That means more plasticity and more change. You may say, “I am so resistant toward the affs I need. I have a mental block. The more I notice them, the more I’m filled with doubt.” That can be true. But remember, that’s why you are listening to subliminal affirmations and not the verbal ones. These directly infiltrate your subconscious without you needing to hear the words. So you are trying to focus on the noise from the subs and not obssessing over your blockages. CLOSE YOUR EYES, ACTIVATE HYPER-FOCUS, LISTEN TO THE SOUND CAREFULLY, AND FULFILLMENT IS IN CLOSE PROXIMITY OF YOUR 3D! ENJOY!

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Written by Yashar

I want to help people achieve their potential. Enthusiastic about change. I love movies, fitness, science, and politics.

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